Milan, Italy and the European Embedded Design in Education and Research Conference 2014
A strictly "Kyran" Blog experience!
This blog is brought to you directly and exclusively by me, Ky ran! I will be vaguely talking about my adventures in Milan, Italy, in my usual wishy-washy way. I went alone, and the following is my story! Behold!
I first give my thanks to David Morales and Prof. Vinod Chandran for the opportunity to be involved with the technical paper which lead me to go to Italy in the first place, to attend this interesting conference in their stead.
I left Madrid on the plane on Wednesday afternoon, September 10, full of dread with limited phone battery and lack of Italian speakingz skillz. There are basically zero photos of my trip to Italy due to this issue, however I have one thing to say - Italians are crazy drivers! I had with me a huge tube with the A0 size poster rolled up in it (which was difficult to get printed in Spain!).
I landed at the Malpensa airport in Milan (one of three, I believe) and took the express train to the city - it was about 9pm at this time, and I was not in the mood for hours of transit by train and bus to the hotel which google forewarned me about. I took a taxi. Thus my "Italians are crazy drivers" comment earlier was my experience from this haha.

This is my random selfie[s] while walking to the conference venue - a gentle breeze and lots of leaves falling off the trees. Was a nice walk, and not too hot!

Cosmo Hotel Palace
There it is! The walk was not too long at all! And thankfully on the first day, I did not need to take my ungainly giant poster container. The photos directly below to the left and right are from the bar (yeah, totally went straight to the bar!) and show parts of the lobby of the Cosmo Hotel Palace (CHP).

Toys as tools! This poster describes a design-and-build challenge for uni students to build a mobile vehicle robot thingy, and do some basic challenges. They get bonus marks for creativity!
The poster room is like a giant dungeon, below all the lecture halls for the oral presentations. Here is where the afternoon tea and biscuits are served too. It's all so civil! Imagine that right now, people in Iraq are being slaughtered by ISIS solders.. such a shame.
More robots! This is the Yrobot platform, with a new top piece called "AudioCom" where the robots ACTUALLY TALK TO EACHOTHER!!! In an audible fashion. There has been research done on this kind of thing before, in fact [one of] my ex-supervisor's partner Ruth Schultz did some work at UQ on this topic, a news article is here for those interested in audio-communication for robots.
This is the accompanying poster...
Demon Toilet Of Doom + 3

I call this the demon toilet, because it's alive, and evil. Oh and it's obviously magical, so that's the +3 modifier [D&D joke..]. The evil red eye above where the "button" is. The "button" by the way is locked, and you must suffer the demon toilet's strange behaviour. First, when it spots you entering the toilet cubicle, it immediately begins it's watery laughter. A constant, never-ending stream. As long as you are in the damn cubicle.
The worst part is while you are sitting on it, it's splashing you, laughing with it's beady little infrared eyeball. If you lean forward or whatnot, it assumes you are done and DOES A FULL FLUSH! NOOO! This is the most inconvenient robot demon toilet i've ever encountered. I had many battles with this bastard thing during the conference unfortunately.
Here is the poster! On the friday morning I took the poster tube with me on my walk to the conference.
Was a few people who were into the same interests/field as this electric brushless DC motor drive paper. The inventor of instaSPIN was there, doing tutorials on the system that he designed in collaboration with Texas Instruments. There was at least one other poster and one oral presentation on the same general topic, as well as researchers in general who were involved heavily in this field. Overall there was a positive response to the work done and shown in the poster! The few more interesting questions I dutifuly forwarded on to David as they may help him in future work. Below is a picture of me with the poster!
On the first night, they held the banquet. I got invaded by multiple offers of meat-like substances, and it took them a while to work out what vegetarian meant. Below is a picture of some of the hand-shaking-and-award-presenting that occurred. You can see Prof. John Soraghan from the Scottish University of Strathclyde and the Texas Instruments global marketing manager dude (I am sure his first name is Steve, I shook his hand etc at the bar.. whoops).
First I checked the metro map in the hotel, it showed me where to go - turns out this map is super out-dated but it still worked, the general direction was the same :).
Terrible lighting conditions in the subway! Even Spain has a better lighting in their tunnels.
Not sure about Italian plumbing, you'll have to ask the Mario Brothers for that. This, however, is SHIT electrical wiring! That is how they powered the tap "ON" sensors in the airport departure gate lounge area!
And to finish it all off, the usual hilarious shitfight at the boarding gates trying even just to get out to the plane, let alone get into it.
In summary, I had a great time, met lots of great people, and got some free stuff (Beaglebone Black, weird wireless sensor tab thingo, and a Piccolo C2000 dev board) too.
I think conferences like these are good for networking, and it's possible that I have a lead for my next move - TO GERMANY! Otherwise, TO CANADA! or... TO ANY OTHER PLACE IN EUROPE!! WOO!
Thanks for reading if you got this far, you need a medal or something. Have a weird picture or two for good measure.

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