Monday, 8 December 2014

Natural Sciences Expo. and a Poncho!

Hello world,

This blog is brought to you by Mercedes again, this week I have an exciting announcement to make as well as I visited a Natural sciences expo.and got commissioned to make a poncho. 

So lets get in to it.


 First up the Natural Sciences Expo.
It consisted mainly of rocks, minerals and fossils, but there were also displays of mounted insects of all kinds. 

This even was an no pictures allowed event so i was not able to get sneaky photos of everything but i did my best so that you could get an idea of what everything was like. 

 As you can see above there were some fairly impressive fossils of some fairly impressive organisms.

Above are some of the fossil displays and below are some of the Mineral and rock displays.

All in all it was a small Expo. with large variety of things on display and for sale.

Moving on, to th poncho that I was commissioned to make, this bit is just a bit of show and tell.  
I started the poncho on Saturday night worked on it all Sunday and then after work on Monday and Tuesday. 
This is the first poncho that i have ever made, and it turned out to be warmer then I expected it to be.  

So there you have it folks, that how I spent one of me weekends!

OK exciting new time!!
As you all might know I am and have always been a vegetarian, however of late I have seen the light and gone vegan. 
Well it is always interesting to learn a new trick or a new recipe here and there.
You guys that follow my blog religiously will have seen me share some recipes already. 
Well I have been inundated with some amazing recipes and I didn't want to swap this travel blog with recipes so I have decided to start another blog completely dedicated to Vegan recipes from around the world!!
There are already some recipes up there at the moment, but i do have a lot of recipes in the barrel that i need to prepare and post there as well,so for those of you that are interested here is another blog for you to keep an eye on.

Well that's all from me this week, as usual next week will be brought to you by Kyran again with what ever exciting adventures he has been up to over in Canada, so stay tuned for another exciting episode of Kyran and Mercedes Findlater Travel the World!!

Remember what Bilbo used to say: It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – JRR Tolkien

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