Welcome to another adventure with the Findlaters
Packing up house, and final days stress before a new adventure!
This Blog I would like to start a little closer to home first as that is where the adventure really started.
I write this first part of this blog sitting in bed at 5am in the morning suffering from what could be described as pre-jetlag/post-moving-house-lag.
Let me elaborate.
We are about to head overseas again on an adventure that will keep us away for just under two months.
So from what turned out to be a series of fortunate events Kyran's brother who also lives in the UK suggested that we move in with him and his family.
I believe that the major motivation for this was so that we could house-sit for him when he goes overseas later this year for an equally long amount of time.
The secondary reason I am sure is so that they have Kyran and I around to look after little Hector when the need arises. Which is fine - if you're an avid reader of our blogs you will see that were are often off on an adventure with little Hector to a museum or park and we do enjoy it!
So while writing this today is Monday the 4th of Feburary 2019, tomorrow the 5th we get on a plane to India and the weekend just gone (2nd and 3rd) was moving day.
Indeed the whole week leading up to this weekend just passed has been hectic.
I Mercedes have been finishing up my work contract at the College that I have been working at, and then coming home and packing boxes from 6pm to midnight every night.
Mean while Kyran has been off mostly living away from home installing one of his robots in its factory and doing hand-over to one of the other guys to take over while he is gone.
At night he has also been working on his invention, putting the finishing touches on it so that we can get all of his prototypes sent off to his "Beta Testers" before we leave the country.
For those of you who do not know what his invention is you can learn more from his website: www.kytechindustries.com
I hope all this back story helps to paint a picture of the level of pre-tired we were, even before moving day.
Friday the 1st - My last day at work- the day to say goodbye and try not to cry (I always cry!) was cancelled it was a snow day! School was cancelled!
On one hand it was sad to not be able to say my goodbyes on the other hand it was lucky as I still have lots of packing to do so it bought me some extra time.
Side story: For those of you who do not know, I have been getting into Victorian fashion - or at least that is what people are telling me. I thought it was 1890's but I guess I got carried away.
The reason I tell you this is that for the last week at school the ladies at work asked that I wear a different one of the dresses that I made each day.
So on Friday I was all dressed with the dress I was going to wear that day.
The dress was to be my best one that week, but as school was cancelled and I was already dressed I decide to wear it out and about on the street as I went about my daily tasks.
Now I don't know if it was the weather or pension day or what was going on, but the local English people were loving my outfit. They were beeping their cars and stopping to ask where I was going all dressed up like that.

I even had my bank teller ask to take a photo with me and another shop attendant ask to take a photo too!!
Fun stuff!!
I think it was the hat that made it! It was a fedora that Kyran bought when we were in Mexico (about this time last year actually: mexico blog post featuring fedora ) that he had spilled coffee on and hadn't worn much since. So while cleaning I asked him if he still wanted it or if I could get creative with it. He said I could have it!

So I finished staining it all over with coffee to give it a more natural organic look and to re-set it in the shape that I wanted. I also cut the top bit in half and the re-sewed it a little lower and stuck some flowers to it.
I was all dressed up and at the local supermarket and an older lady chased me down and said that she had seen me walk down the street and she just had to come over to say hello and say how lovely I looked.
Well I am the type of person that finds it hard to take a compliment so I said "geez thanks but I just made this hat and it keeps moving around my head, I really need a hat pin but you can't get those any more".
So the lady replied, "I have one that belonged to my mother!".
Interested, I inquired if she would be willing to part with it.... long story short I now have two hat pins!
It is a little short for this hat but I think it will do nicely for a few other hats I have in mind!
So that was very nice and I am super happy about it, now I can try to reverse engineer it to see if I can make them myself!
But I digress. I was trying to introduce our pre-holiday chaos.

So Kyran got home on the Friday and we spent the night putting the last touches on his inventions and packaging them.
Saturday was go time!!
We had a hire van booked for the day so we picked it up at 8 am and it was go go go after that.
Inventions to the post office, first trip to the brothers house, second trip to take the cupboards to a friends house, third trip to the tip/dump and finally fourth trip to the brothers house and to bed.
On Sunday we had to get the hire car back before 8 am - then get home nearby to finish cleaning before a 10am inspection by the landlord.

Then the brother in-law picked us up and took us back to his place/our new home where we then had to spend the day putting everything away.
If you have not heard me mention food up until this point it is because there was none. Poor Kyran reckoned that he was so hungry he was going to pass out! But we did manage to work all the way through to 4 pm until almost everything was put somewhere out of the way and we could go and eat.
Below: Here I have photographic evidence of the sugar hitting Kyran's Blood Stream!

The Turkish restaurant down the road served up an epic meal and we scoffed it all down.
After this it all went to the wind, we got home so full that we had a shower and went straight to bed - at 6pm.
So it is that at 4:30 am I am awake and writing the beginning of this blog before we set off on the next massive adventure - TO INDIA! For a traditional Punjabi wedding! Stay tuned for our exciting adventures in India and the culture shock that we experienced for parts of it.
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