Above: Map showing the ground that we covered and what you're going to learn something about in this blog.
First up - Bath
Before I get into it too much I'd like to give a brief summary of British geology, as Bath and the fact there is a hot spring there is a little abnormal and unexpected.
England as a whole is almost completely sedimentary (comprised of sediment that over time has cemented together to make stones such as sandstone).
There is an old section and a new section but we won't get into that! What is important to know is that Bath was built where it is because it has a hot spring that surfaces at a temperature of 46ÂșC in the center. This is the only hot spring In England! But mostly that's because of a technicality!
FUN FACT: Apparently to be considered a hot spring the water temperature can not be less than 30 degrees celcius.
There are actually five known instances of thermal springs in England BUT only one whose temperature is above 30 degrees and that is the one in Bath!
There is an old section and a new section but we won't get into that! What is important to know is that Bath was built where it is because it has a hot spring that surfaces at a temperature of 46ÂșC in the center. This is the only hot spring In England! But mostly that's because of a technicality!
FUN FACT: Apparently to be considered a hot spring the water temperature can not be less than 30 degrees celcius.
There are actually five known instances of thermal springs in England BUT only one whose temperature is above 30 degrees and that is the one in Bath!
It is then interesting as to why this is the only "hot" spring in England if the geology is more or less the same everywhere.
It has to do with the Geo-thermal Gradient, which is this idea that the middle of the earth is hot and so it stands to reason that as you go deeper into the earths surface it should get hotter.
A normal Geo-thermal gradient is for every 1 km that you travel down the temperature should rise by 25 degrees Celsius, BUT in Bath the geothermal Gradient is actually only 20C for every 1km that you travel down.
So now we a dealing with the only hot spring in England which is weird as well as the ground isn't nearly as hot as it should be which makes the fact that the water is even hot at all a bit confusing!
I'm getting to the answer now I promise... The picture below is something that I stole off the internet that is a possible explanation for why all this is the only hot spring in England.
The answer: The water travels from the hills through a channel of folded sheets of Carboniferous limestone where it is taken down and warmed up and the straight back to the surface before it looses too much heat. On the far right of the diagram is Bath, where the water surfaces, and you can see the water travels down past 3km under the surface, supposedly getting to 70 degrees, before surfacing in the hot springs at 46 degrees.
Fun Fact: The Bath water is in chemical equilibrium with the local Carboniferous Limestone, which if you ever go there and taste it you will soon find out!
OK well that brings your geology lesson to a conclusion, lets move on with the rest of the blog!

There was a full wall of different coins that were had been found in and around the site. They covered a huge range of time, many hundreds of years worth of coins were found at Bath.
As we had to pay to get into Bath, to make it worth your while they give you these little guide things that you put up to your ear and it tells you different things about different displays.
Left: Here is Kyran learning everything!

I know it's hard to see (try clicking on it..) but the Above Image shows the Spring pool that the water surfaces in and then the route it takes around the complex to the other various pools.
Left and Below: Some of the water passages that the steaming hot water flows through.

Quote: "Never trust a slave who enjoys his work!"
Statues and upper floor around the main bath area:
The upper floor (called the Terrace) and the statues found all around the top of the main bath are actually just a recent (1894) tourism addition to the baths. There were no official surviving roman pillars or terrace around the bath.
Left: There were statues around the main pool this is one of the more interesting ones.
Below is a bad photo that we took of the signage that was at the site it's hard to see but it tells you the statues are all of roman governors of the province of Britannia and them it lists which ones and where they are around the bath.
Below: The way the roofs were made and a piece of it.
Left: This was one of the cooler pools I believe however it is now full of coins.
Ok lets get the last of these bath photos out of the way so that we can see Stonehenge!
That brings us to the end of the Roman baths in Bath.
Next up Stonehenge!
The last time that I was at Stonehenge I would have been about 12 years old, so things have definitely changed since is was there last. There is now a visitor center that is all fancy and modern-looking, and they are also very happy to take your money for the right to see the stones.
We decided to be cheap asses and instead of paying to walk over a hill to see it, we drove around the corner and saw it from the Highway as it was just as good a view as any.
There is also not much I can tell you about Stonehenge as there seems to be little that anyone knows for sure about it. From my research on it, it seems that every man and his dog has a theory of who what when where and why regarding Stonehenge.
So lets leave it as, I have done my duty and I have taken Kyran to see the world famous landmark and it looked exactly like the pictures show it!
And that brings us to the end of this blog entry, it was a big day for us and a lot of ground was covered.
But at the end of the day when we got to our hotel Kyran enjoyed a beer and a sandwich and five minutes to himself before we had to start writing blogs for your enjoyment.
So if you like reading our blogs don't forget to follow us on Google+, and stay tuned for more adventures with the Findlaters as we travel the world (slowly..)!
Remember never trust a slave that enjoys his work!
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