Doom and Gloom
The season moves on! And apparently so did the snow and cloud cover. Two weeks have passed since the huge snow dump, and zero snow has fallen, combined with -25 degrees temperatures for most of the time.
Then the temperature swung drastically towards positive degrees, and the rain fell.
I feel bad for those who have spent $10k on their holidays to stay here with such terrible snow conditions. Been some strange weather lately! Must be those pesky Russians and their weather-machines.
Sunrise at 8:30am, seen below. Those clouds!
Despite this, some Christmas Cheer
In the office/hotel lobby, we have a fancy and REAL christmas tree set up. After this picture, we have accumulated more tinsel and some presents underneath it. How nice. *gags slightly*
It also looks like they have enslaved some of the local quadrupeds, Supposedly they were rebelling at the time of the picture too, something about being worked hard all day!
The Hot Tub discovery mission!
Instead of going snowboarding the day after finally getting my season pass, I decided to adventure to the hot tub only 1-2 doors down from my house-thingy.
it was a nice 40 degrees, and the steam rising from it was pleasantly chlorinated.
Snowboarding Adventures, first runs!
Behold, my Burton Custom board, 163cm long. The Mission bindings are pretty nice too. The board is second hand (all of it is) but it's still pretty good. The bugger at the ski shop didn't tighten my right foot bindings though so I had to detour to the ski repair centre to get a quick fix.
The boots are Burton brand too, and quite nice. The whole lot was $299 ($330 with tax) so i'm not complaining!
I took my Sony Action Cam and did some live action footage! pictured below:

The snow was pretty bad, super icey from 2 weeks of extra-cold temps and zero fresh powder. Brown patches starting to show as well. The day's temperature was about -9 too, so my face got really cold and it made it hard to talk properly.
Here are the youtube vids :)
From the Village after my nightshift, down to the summit chair lift
While on the summit chair lift, nice trees and clouds and stuff!
While up the top of the summit, I do a few pan shots so you can see the beautiful surroundings!
The main and awesome track down from the summit
Back to the village! And home to collapse.
So that concludes another bi-monthly blog update from Kyranzor the mighty.
I think Mercedes has something she wants to do as well, so stay tuned for that!
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