Hello out there sorry for posting this blog up later than usual.The end of the week just gone has been hectic, anyway in this blog I'm bringing you more of the fiesta (la semana grande) in Bilbao, and i'll be introducing some basque sports and some dances as well as some of the country side that we visited. So lets get in to it!
First up is a Basque sport known to the locals as pelota or pelota vasca translated it means 'ball' or 'basque ball'.
The way the game works is usually two or more players or teams take turns at hitting a ball against a wall called 'fascia'.
There are a variety of ways to play the game, with variations in the type of ball used be it rubber or leather,the type/ length of the racquet used and whether it is played by males or females.
The team to serve bounces the ball, then propels it towards the playing
area of the narrow, front wall where it has to rebound between the low
line demarcating the low off-area and the high line demarcating the high
The ball may either be played so it rebounds directly off the front wall
onto the playing floor or onto the long side wall first. The opposing
team may either play the ball immediately after rebounding from the
front wall or side wall without rebounding from the playing floor or
after having rebounded from the playing floor once. Confusing right!?
The lifting of stones is one of the most widely known Basque rural sport outside the Basque Country, largely thanks to the prowess of Iñaki Perurena, a harrijasotzaile (stone-lifter) from Leitza, in Navarre, the first on record to lift stone over 300 kg.
There are usually two stone-lifters competing in each event, taking turns in one or several attempts, to perform the greatest possible number of lifts.
A lift is considered complete when the stone has been properly balanced on the shoulder.
The four types of stone most frequently used are rectangular, cylindrical, spherical and square and were established at the beginning of the 20th century. The stones are traditionally made of granite, their weight normally ranging from 100 kg to 212 kg.
Next: Aizkora proba (wood chopping)
Literally "axe test", this rural sport more commonly known as aizkolaritza, from the Basque word for a wood-cutter.
This is a very popular sport today but its origins are to be found in the rural wood cutting and charcoal burning communities of earlier periods.
Now we're up the the Traditional Basque dancing;
There are approximately 400 distinct Basque folk dances, each with its own story and significance. Some, the more ancient ritual dances, are performed only for particular events or circumstances and initially were performed by male dancers only. Many include the use of sticks and swords that the dancers strike together as they progress through the movements of the dance.
The basic characteristics of Basque dance are seen in the choreography,
historical and festive elements, and the universal traits of tradition,
entertainment, tourism and especially religious-festive events. You can
tell a good dancer by how high they jump, their double clicks, how high
they kick, and their gracefulness. They wear cool bells on their legs!
Enough now about the sports and dances lets move on to the Fiestas!!
The party that goes on at night can been seen in the below video!
A Little Trip!
A day trip to Gernika was the plan however my grandmother decided that she would like to join us and we all fell asleep on the bus, so we ended up at Bermeo on the coast.
A side note with no photos: The reason we set out to see Gernika (basque spelling) was that on April 26, 1937, Guernika (spanish spelling) was bombed in one of the first aerial bombings by Nazi Germany's Luftwaffe.
The bombing is considered one of the first raids on a defenseless civilian population by a modern air force.The number of victims of the attack is still disputed; the Basque government reported 1,654 people killed.
Sadly though time did not permit so we were not able to stop in Gernika, only passing through it was viable. There were no old buildings remaining because the town had been rebuilt from the ground up. They have a sacred tree which among other things is as memorial to the bombings.
Off to the Funicular of Artxanda
We managed to take some great pictures of Bilbao from up there!
A note about the architecture - they have a high density population due to all these old looking apartment blocks, and even in the little tiny villages they build these. Certainly not the Aussie style Queenslander with nice big grass backyard that these people design for, most people aspire to live in tiny little apartments and take life easy!
Well that all folks,
Work starts for me this week - so there will be less exciting blogs and less frequently, but I will do my best to keep you all updated.
Till next time!
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